Test Tube Baby Processes: 


IVF is done to enable a lady to wind up pregnant. It is utilized to treat numerous reasons for fruitlessness, including: Advanced age of the lady (progressed maternal age) Damaged or blocked Fallopian tubes. IVF is the most well-known and best kind of helped conceptive innovation (ART) to enable ladies to wind up pregnant. The IVF methodology includes preparing an egg outside the body, in a research center dish, and after that embedding it in a lady's uterus. 




Best IVF Treatment: 

 Altius Hospital is one of the India’s best leading centres with Gynaec Laparoscopic surgery, Infertility & Urogynaecology treatments. It is a 50 Bedded Hospital with High Tech State of the art speciality centre. Our Hospital is renowned as the Third Operation Theatre in the country and to have OR1 system first in Karnataka.





In case you're perusing this, at that point you've been endeavoring to get pregnant, yet haven't been effective. In case you're under 35 years and


 A nonstress test (NST), also known as fetal heart rate monitoring, is a common prenatal test used to check on a baby's health. During a nonstress test a baby's heart rate is monitored to see how it responds to the baby's movements. The term nonstress refers to the fact that nothing is done to place stress on the fetus during the test.

Typically, a nonstress test is recommended when it's believed that the fetus is at increased risk of death. A nonstress test may be done after 26

Altius Hospital